
Thursday, September 6, 2012

2012-13 Book Choice Schedule

Putting this schedule together is always like a big puzzle....but it is done!


here are some things that I think about when building the schedule.

  • We try to keep the number of classes equally distributed across the week.  If you have ever seen Lisa when she is buried under a pile of books that have been returned in the morning you understand.  25-30 kids times 3 books times 5 can do the math!

  • When you see Kinder Computer or 5th Grade English on the schedule...those are times that I am not available as I am with the kids and no classroom teacher.  You may use the library during these times, but you just don't get to see MY smiling face...I suppose some of you might just think that would be an advantage....LOL!

  • If you miss your library day because it is a day without school-We will try to fit you in for a short "BOOK CHOICE ONLY" time.  There are weeks that are so short that we CANNOT provide this....but we will always let you know!
  • I try to at least greet you for your book choice when you arrive...."how very responsive classroom of me, don't you think?"  Then depending on the activity or message I have for the kiddos I will spend 10 minutes or so with them.  I will TRY to let you know what that is...and sometimes if I am reading a story in should feel free to leave or work at a table.

  •  I REALLY appreciate your assistance with the students as they pick out their books.  I would also love to see the Amity Assistants become more involved in recommending books and helping kids if that fits into their schedule.
  • The schedule is posted on Google Docs, on my website and there is a printed copy on the desk by the LMC door.    PLEASE PLEASE let us know when you need to adapt your schedule!  Email....a note....or of course stop in!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Log In Procedure for This year!

Change is GOOD.....Right?
Really you are gonna like this...I PROMISE!

After lots of discussion (complaining!!!) with the tech department, we came up with a solution to the very long logging in issues students faced last year in the computer lab.

This year.....things are gonna be different!!!

When you come to the lab...the computers will most often be logged in to the guest account!

If they are NOT...please have your students log in as a guest!

Log In Name:  guest account   (all lower case.....a space between the words)
There is NO PASSWORD....just leave that blank and continue to LOG IN!

When you leave the lab....DO NOT log the computers out!


Most often kids do not need to access their accounts....they just need to use the computers for access to the internet!

There is no need to take the time to sync to their accounts!!!

This will be a real time saver for most computer activities!!!

If they DO need access to their accounts...there is a share point on the dock to the K-5 sever.
That is not active at this point....but I am promised that it will work within the week!

If you are coming to the lab to do something that you want your kids to save.....
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...schedule this with me so that I can teach your kids the process!

The front lab is fully functional at this point and the back lab will be ready in a couple of days!!!!

The sign up schedule is the same as last year....

See you soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Collection of Responsive Classroom Books Ready For You!

The wonderful Lisa has pulled a fairly large number of the books we know you like to use to build community in your classrooms during these first few weeks of school!

Please remember that these books need to be shared with lots of classrooms.  Please return them promptly when you have read them to your class!

Sally is looking into purchasing some copies of these titles for the Teacher Book Sets....that would be great!

If you have other titles that you regularly use for building community, we would love to know them.

For those of you who teach in English...those books are also set aside for you.

I am happy to take requests for read a loud titles for an activity when Book Choice starts next week!

I expect to send the schedule for book choice by tomorrow morning....I am still needing info from a couple of people.

I am sharing this rough draft to give you an idea of how it looks so far....
 promise not to be mad if something has to change before tomorrow!!!

If for some reason the time I have you down for NO LONGER works for you....let me know as soon as possible!

Hope your first day was wonderful!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Media Center Coffee Club!

The "Coffee Club" in the PSI Media Center is open for business!


I make coffee in the big pot early in the morning.....sometimes I even make a second pot if 48 cups doesn't last through the morning!

Sign Up to participate!

This year I am asking people who join in to contribute money instead of coffee!
We will collect the money up front....NOW...and ask for more when that is spent!
I will buy coffee, sugar and creamer with the funds!

Like any good have OPTIONS!!!

Level 1:  Caffeine know who you are!!!  You are waiting at the door every morning with cup in hand....or you stop in each day at least once or twice!
If this is YOU....please contribute $10 to the coffee fund
Level 2: Regular Coffee come almost every day...but lots of times you bring your own from home....You are disappointed when the pot is empty...but it doesn't RUIN your day!

If this is YOU....please contribute $5 to the coffee fund
 Level 3: Occasional Coffee rarely need a cup of coffee, but there are those days that you need a little pick me up!  You like when there is coffee at morning staff meetings.

If this is YOU.....please contribute $2 to the coffee fund....and this will be for the WHOLE year!

I will put an envelope with a check off sheet next to the coffee pot by my office door!
It would be great if we could get a chunk of money going in the next few days!!!
Would you believe we went through THREE POUNDS of coffee and a HALF GALLON of creamer last week alone!!!

Coffee Club members need to provide their own cups.....I have a few....but they always disappear into some strange "cup graveyard".....

Well......maybe not 24 HOURS...even if it seems like it some days!!!

Let me know if you have any questions....see ya at the coffee pot!!!