
Sunday, September 8, 2013

This Week In the Media Center


This week begins regular Book Choice for all classrooms.

I will be going over the "Rules" and "Procedures" with each class.

Students with overdue materials from the past will only be allowed to take ONE book until those materials are returned!

It will be a pretty jam packed please make every effort to come on time so that your kids have plenty of time to choose those new books!!

If you need my help with a computer session, be sure to check the book choice schedule when you sign up!  I will not be able to leave those sessions to help you!  You should pick a time when there is NO library book choice on the schedule.

Would you believe that MAP testing starts NEXT MONDAY!!!
I will be working on the schedule and sending it out to 2-5 grade teachers.
If you have any "special events" on your schedule for the testing window...
Sept. 16-Oct. 4
I need you to let me know ASAP!
Here are a couple of fun websites you might want to take a look at!

This blog is one that Judy Contreras shared with me...
All about fun decor for the classroom!

This site has great short videos with basic Spanish themes.
I think they would be great transition activities for the early grades!

Kim Wieber and I are thinking about holding a little work session on Wednesday after school for anyone interested in learning how to create a BLOG in WEEBLY.
More info will come by email when we actually have a plan.
If you have been thinking about moving to the BLOG format for your weekly newsletter...this might be a workshop for you!

Have a Great Week!